#I believe in Guy the pizza guy supremacy
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forsaken-headcanons · 24 days ago
Okay!!! Seems people really like my pretty heavy angst of 007n7 and c00lkidd!! As promised, here are some of my mostly non-angsty headcanons, even though they aren’t as good as the last ones- I still added some more angst headcanons to this cause why not?
- Before 007n7 started to care for c00lkidd, he was fat. I also believe in fat 007n7 supremacy, BUT after he got c00lkidd, he started to lose the weight in an unhealthy manner. As in, he started to not eat as much anymore, though he isn’t stranger to stress eating. However, c00lkidd is more so on the plump side due to his father making sure that he eats, at least more than he does now. Unfortunately, 007n7 never really gained the weight back, even during the events of Forsaken. Dare I say it might’ve gotten worse.
- c00lkidd has a strange fascination with fire. He would sometimes set small things ablaze like sticks and paper. And no surprise that there were a few times where he accidentally almost burned down the house. 007 is worried that he might be an arsonist one day. This thought especially came into light when c00lkidd set Elliot’s pizza place into a giant inferno.
- c00lkidd used to wear a blue bandana around his neck, which was a gift from his father and allowed him to match with him since 007n7’s main shirt is blue. He unfortunately lost it by the time he arrived in the world of Forsaken.
- c00lkidd owns a drakkobloxxer onesie. It was a Christmas gift and he would almost wear it 24/7.
- Since c00lkidd nor 007n7 know when c00l’s actual birthday was, they decided it would just be the day he arrived at 007’s doorstep.
- Whenever c00lkidd saw that his father is having a bad day, he would try anything to help him feel better. Like giving him frequent hugs, trying to play with him, perhaps even watch a tv show/movie together and relax, etc. These often work since 007 usually feels at peace whenever he’s with c00lkidd.
- 007 has of course tried to get babysitters in the past to keep an eye on c00lkidd, but they all could only take care of him for a few hours before deciding never again. So, c00lkidd was home alone most of the time.
- 007 does not wish for a relationship with anyone back then and perhaps even now as he believes he does not have time for it.
- c00lkidd is usually pretty clingy with his dad, almost always wanting his attention and expecting his time and care back. He whines and sometimes whenever 007 has to leave for work most of the time. 007 always tries to make up for this by giving c00lkidd attention when he gets back, even if he is tired.
- 007n7 has gotten plushies before for c00l in hopes of making him feel less lonely, but they were either all torn to shreds or lit ablaze.
I do have some more headcanons but guys.. do we fw creature-like c00lkidd, like I just want to see him with a tail, digitigrade legs, and paws… make him somewhat inspired by the drakkobloxxer or a dinosaur or dragon perhaps… if we do I will maybe post my headcanons for those..
I love all of those. And yes, I do fw creature-like C00lkidd very much. Please send your thoughts on that as well.
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thefandombringer · 13 days ago
van scene theory (kinda)
I’m gonna be so fr I might be like super late to realizing this but this video (linked right below) actually helped me piece together what might be going through mikes head during this whole monologue and also why he said I love you to El later on (I would recommend watching the video before continuing because I’m going to be referencing the points it makes kind of).
I think that, to some extent, Mike registers that Will is masking the truth of his words and that clearly these don’t match El’s real feelings but instead what Will feels about Mike (and also what MIKE feels about WILL), like shown with the flashbacks in this video. Mike is so smiley at the end because he is (kind of) registering that he makes Will feel like this, explaining his facial expressions throughout the speech.
Where this becomes interesting for me is that in that one scene at Surfer Boy Pizza, after Mike messes around with El’s glasses and they almost start another heart to heart, Mike was actually going to break up with El. Every interaction that they’ve had up to this point has been, in hmm opinion, extremely platonic and it would actually fit very smoothly with his whole storyline this season. Of course, this doesn’t happen because they are interrupted by Argyle’s pizza and (as we all unfortunately know) he moves on to give that fuck ass love confession.
I’m not going to dive super into the love confession because there are countless way more in depth analyses breaking it apart, but I’ll go a little bit into what I think his motives are. Like I said, I think he was going to break up with her before but now that her literal life is in danger, he remembers that saying I love you exactly what she had begged him for and, even if he doesn’t mean it (which he obviously doesn’t, read any other analysis if you don’t believe me), it’s what he thinks El needs to hear in order to literally survive. He is also pushed by Will to say this, and this guy will literally do anything Will tells him to do it’s kind of embarrassing.
in conclusion, milkvan is bones and platonic elmike supremacy 🙌🙌 if you have more to add or notice a gaping hole in what in this, I’d love to hear what you all have to say on this!
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dianaladrislovebot · 9 months ago
my book annotations : book 3 edition - lies
why hello there hasn’t it been a hot minute since i did one of these. i randomly remembered that i was in fact doing this series so without further ado here’s the lies version of my really bad annotations that aren’t funny and half are missing
‘computer jack was a tech genius who, as far as dekka could tell, had absolutely zero moral centre. wave a keyboard under his nose and he’d do whatever you wanted.’ - girly has a point (lies, page 30)
‘“he broke my bed!” “he’s in your bed?”’ - yeah aren’t y’all like twelve (lies, page 30)
‘the ‘restaurant’ changed names every few days. it had already been smokey sues, perdido i can’t believe it’s not pizza kitchen, eat and urp, in ‘n’ get out, smokey toms and le grand barbecue. today the sign read ‘wtf?’, and in smaller letters, ‘what the food?’ - IN N GET OUT ??? (lies, page 56)
‘astrid sighed. “why am i with you?” “because i’m incredibly attractive?” “you are mildly attractive, actually,” astrid teased. “so, i’m a kind of really hot dictator?” “i don’t recall saying ‘really hot’.” sam smiled. “you didn’t have to. it was in your eyes.”’ - samuel please. (lies, page 60)
‘little pete woke up. dark. dark was good. light filled his brain with too much. it was quiet. good. sounds made his head hurt.’ - he’s so real (lies, page 138)
‘“because bug is an idiot and it didn’t occur to him,” caine snapped.’ - i can physically hear him saying this (lies, page 188)
‘the only one zil even really liked was lance. lance was cool. lance was the good looking, smart one who made zil feel like maybe this was all okay, like maybe zil really did deserve to be the leader, capital t, capital l.’ - the closet is glass dude (lies, page 190)
‘“i don’t know what you pay that boy, but it’s not enough,” howard said, jerking his chin at edilio.’ - edilio supremacy <3 (lies, page 322)
‘diana couldn’t stop giggling. a leper colony. that’s what but had read about. a leper colony paid for by two rich movie stars. their charity thing.’ - why is this so funny (lies, page 355)
‘“look at choo. he doesn’t look scared, does he?” actually, choo looked scared to death.’ - i love irony (lies, page 403)
‘brianna dropped a skateboard in front of sam. “don’t worry, i won’t let you fall off.” “yeah? then why did you bring a helmet?” brianna tossed it to him. “in case you fall off.”’ - she’s so thoughtful <3 (lies, page 430)
‘caine stood at the top of the cliff, unafraid of falling. he was a guy who could fall, sanjit realised. caine could step off the edge, and like the road runner simply hang in mid air, beep beep, and zip back to solid ground.’ - why does he think like this (lies, page 448)
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clean-casual-analysis · 3 months ago
Builiding the Ideal Villain
This is a continuation of a previous post I did involving the building block traits of what I think is an ideal hero. This one is about villains, obviously. Let’s get straight into it! Here’s a link to the related post https://www.tumblr.com/clean-casual-analysis/763960909856210944/building-my-ideal-hero)
Trait One: Evil Morality
The foundation of any villain is, of course, a villainous set of beliefs. We’re not just talking about the typical mustache twirling antics you see on cartoons. These are abhorrent, self-serving ideologies that the villain forces onto others, either out of sadistic joy or believing their own lies. This is Homeworld gems and the Diamonds from Steven Universe, upholding a rigid status quo just because that’s how it’s always been. It’s the Prophit of Truth from Halo, orchestrating the glassing of human worlds and the civil war against the elites just to stay on top of a religion he knows is false. For this section, I’m going with the tyrannical leader of the decepticons, Megatron.
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There have been many different interpretations of Megatron with varying degrees of villainy. The more complex and even reformed/heroic depictions of him are certainly welcomed and appreciated, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have preference to the more black hearted versions of the warmongering gladiator. It’s that simple core philosophy he holds, peace through tyranny, that makes him so effective and enduring. He crushes weaker lifeforms, abuses and neglects his own soldiers, and despises weakness simply because he believes might makes right. Megatron believes that he’s owed total supremacy over everything simply because he’s the strongest. It’s that selfish belief that many Megatron’s have that makes him a good starting point for this list.
Trait Two: Nearly Unstoppable
Any good villain needs to be a formidable opponent to the hero. Conflict in a story is pointless is if the obstacles are easy to overcome, after all. So, let’s add a layer of toughness to our villain. These guys are those seemingly unstoppable foes that can’t seem to go down no matter what you throw at them. This categorizes most slasher movie villains that are nearly invincible to physical harm. But this is also army builders with both intimidating strength and dangerous levels of intellect, like Atriox from Halo and Sauron from Lord of the Rings. I wanted a singular entity and not an overlord to fill this slot, and I think this spot goes the galactic hunter knowns to most as the Predator.
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While I think xenomorphs are the much scarier alien horror, their animalistic nature disqualified them from this villain list. But the Predator species definitely deserves it’s time in the spotlight. These hulking masters of technological poaching treat trophy hunting like a religion, pursuing the most dangerous prey they can find. Even without all the weapons and lethal gadgets at their disposal, their superhuman bodies make fighting them an impossible challenge. The protagonists of the Predator franchise need to outsmart these hunters, lay traps and take advantage of their over specializations, because taking them on with guns and muscle is just the fastest way possible to becoming another head on their wall.
Trait Three: Hatred
The next topping on our villain pizza is a healthy does of hatred. This ties back to the first trait of evil morality, but raw anger towards the big bad can help in getting the audience to root for the hero. A scummy personality and unpleasant attitude can go a long way. Kevin from Steven Universe is certainly not as big a bad guy as the main antagonists of the show, but his arrogance and girl chasing make him just about the most unlikable. Lord of the Rings gave us the slimy and corrupted likes of Dethenor and Wormtongue. Borderlands hit gold with Handsome Jack, a full-blown narcissist who heroic delusions and immature nature make him just the worst. But if there’s one entity that deserves to take this trait, It’s Weyland Yutani from the Alien franchise.
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If I couldn’t put the xenomorph in this list, you can bet big that I’m putting in the sister antagonist of the Alien film series. It’s somewhat cheating for me to include a whole mega corporation in a single slot, but anyo one of Weyland Yutani’s representatives could fit the bill. These people don’t care who or what gets in their way, or that the whole of humanity is at risk when it comes to the Xenomorphs, they just care about how much money these planet dominating animals can make. With a cold and unfeeling desire to expand their corporate empire as well as an infuriating banality to their evil, it’s no wonder why Ellen Ripley can’t decide which group of monsters is worse.
Trait Four: Fear
So Far, we have a morally bankrupt villain whose easy to hate and nearly unstoppable. The next trait I’m looking for in my villain is fear. Fighting against something bigger and badder than you can be a terrifying prospect for anyone, but an unhinged personality or unique form of villainous action can amplify that terror tenfold. This is the Flood from Halo, a galaxy spanning zombie plague that is not only intelligent but poetic while it’s violently consuming all life. This is the various Ghostfaces of Scream, violent serial killers who stalk and taunt their victims. Heck, this is pretty much every horror themed bad guy worth their salt. The one that gives me the most chills is the 2020 version of the Invisible Man.
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The modern interpretation of one of HG Wells’ many sci-fi stories, the Invisible Man is probably one of the best ways to remix a classic monster. While the original book and movie are about the selfish acts of using scientific advancement for yourself and the dangers of corrupting power respectfully, the 2020 movie taps in to a different fear all together. This Invisible Man brings on all the previous traits and wears them with pride; An abusive control freak who uses his wealth and knowledge to torment the one woman he couldn’t control. The way he goes about ruining this woman’s life and nearly gets away with it is so scary because there’s a level of uncanny realness to it. There are plenty of “invisible men out there who get away with way more than they should simply because they have more power than those that they torment. It’s that symbolic horror of a societal problem that makes this Invisible Man an outstanding villain.
Trait Five: Manipulation
The final trait the ideal villain needs is, in my opinion, the worst one of them all. That’s the willingness and expertise to manipulate others. One can argue that the trope of a secret villain reveal is overused in animated movies, but I think many can agree that nothing hurts more than misplaced faith. Seeing someone you trust and maybe even someone you like betray you and the ideals you thought they stood for can be devastating, and those that abuse that trust are at the top of the list of scumbag people. Some iterations of Megatron fit this bill, as well as the Invisible Man to an extent. Koba from the Planet of the Apes movies, The Beast from Over the Garden Wall, the list goes on. But if there’s one villain that best exemplifies all the traits that I listed, It’s Frank Fontaine from Bioshock.
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I played the first Bioshock at a relatively young age and no fictional villain has made an impact on my quite like Frank Fontaine has. The man is a ruthless conman who represents all the worst aspects of Rapture and Andrew Ryan’s philosophy. He’s a scummy business man who continues to push a highly dangerous and addictive drug for profit and power. He’s a smug prick who lords his superiority over the player character constantly. Other characters both despise and fear him for good reason. But the thing that made such a lasting impression on me was the main twist of the legendary game. I believed in Atlas and admired his freedom fighting efforts, I mourned for his family that I couldn’t save in time and wanted to avenge them. In return, Fontaine revealed it to be all a clever trick to gain more power and take Rapture for himself. Oh, and he exploits children. All that makes Frank Fontaine one of the best villains in fiction.
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honey-xuckle · 3 years ago
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America🤭
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antique-traveler · 3 years ago
snips and snails
alright this gave me way more trouble than i thought it would but here's the tdov ficlet that @shen-hongzi-backup requested! (of course the trek episode they're watching is s5e17 "The Outcast", what else would it be?) also this blog believes in he/him foggy x he/they matt supremacy
Something something Matt being wholesome to Foggy about their dysphoria. Bonus if Matt is nonbinary because what the heck is gender i can't see it anyway
1.5k, G, mattfoggy (ftm!foggy, nonbinary!matt) on ao3
“New guy at the barbershop today was an asshole. I’m gonna call it an early night. Love you.” The text-to-speech voice from Matt’s phone was robotic and clinical as it read Foggy’s text from across the room. Matt paused, halfway into his Daredevil suit, and strode over to his bed to pick up his phone.
“Call Foggy,” he said, setting down his gloves and furrowing his brow.
“Hey, Matty,” Foggy’s voice through the receiver was timid and dejected, obviously not in the mood for any kind of bright greeting.
“Hey, I got your text,” Matt said cautiously. “What happened?”
Foggy sighed and the sound of creaking leather clued Matt in that Foggy had just fallen onto his leather armchair. “I went in for a haircut today, I just needed to trim off some split ends and shit, but there was a barber there I hadn’t seen before. Some old guy who looked like he used to give guys buzz cuts before they shipped off to Vietnam. Anyway, he went on this whole rant about how my hair was ‘too girly’ and ‘made my face look so feminine’. He ended up cutting, like, two inches off my hair and it just… the whole thing sucks and I just wanna forget it happened.”
Matt swallowed and curled his free hand into a fist “Shit, Fogs, I’m sorry that happened. Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Foggy said, trailing off slightly. “Feel pretty shitty at the moment, but I probably just need to sleep it off, you know?” There was a heavy silence between them before Foggy continued, “You going out tonight?”
Matt bit his lip and thought for a moment. Focusing his senses, he could hear the entire neighborhood. The Kitchen was quiet tonight, peaceful. Across the street, a baby just said his first word, a few blocks away, a woman just proposed to her girlfriend, and further than that, someone just made it through the piano piece they were learning without making a single mistake. Daredevil could take a night off, he needed to be with Foggy tonight. Matt cleared his throat, “No, no, the city’s pretty quiet tonight. How about I come over? We can put on some Trek and order a pizza.”
“Matty, you don’t have to–”
“Fogs, I want to. You had a bad day, and I wanna be here for you. Isn’t that, like, the whole point of being your boyfriend?” Matt felt childish to admit it even to himself, but saying the word “boyfriend” still gave him butterflies sometimes, even after however many months he and Foggy had been together.
Foggy’s sigh had a little bit of a laugh in it, and Matt knew he had won. “You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Murdock. You want Deep Space 9 or The Next Generation?”
“Dealer’s choice,” Matt said, starting to unzip the Daredevil suit. “See you in five. I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Foggy echoed, before hanging up the phone with a click.
Matt had known that Foggy was transgender since a few days after they met. He’d bumped into the sharps container for the needles that Foggy used for his testosterone injections, and Foggy had laid it all out for him the second Matt asked about it. He had been matter-of-fact, clinical in describing it at first, as if the slightest emotion in his voice might send Matt on a bigoted tirade. He supposed that Foggy had been justified in his wariness of how Matt might react, Matt would be the first to admit he’d led a pretty sheltered life in some regards, and he didn’t think he’d ever consciously met another transgender person before Foggy. All that being said, though, Matt still read the news. He still knew what it meant to be transgender, and he wasn’t about to ask for a room change just because he’s roommate’s body was a little different than his.
Since then, Matt had been through it all with Foggy. He stood up to relatives who still called Foggy “she” at Christmas, he taught him how to shave, he stayed with Foggy through his entire recovery after his top surgery. It had been amazing, watching Foggy slowly become more and more himself with each year they shared together. Foggy’s face still heated up whenever Matt called him his boyfriend, and Matt loved the feeling of Foggy’s perfect parallel scars beneath his fingers.
Matt knocked on Foggy’s door with his left hand, while his right held his cane and a sweatshirt of his for Foggy to borrow. Foggy always loved wearing Matt’s clothes, especially when he was in a bad mood, so Matt figured he’d just go ahead and bring something with him before Foggy got a chance to steal the shirt off his back.
Foggy quietly opened the door and Matt flashed him a sympathetic smile. “Hey, handsome,” he said, leaning in for a quick kiss.
Foggy chuckled lightly as he let Matt in, “You know, that might’ve cheered me up a little if you could actually see me.”
“I’m pretty sure it did cheer you up, actually,” Matt said, noting the slightest acceleration in Foggy’s heartbeat.
Foggy scoffed, “Yeah, yeah, heartbeat bullshit, whatever. You go sit down, I’m gonna get a pizza.”
Before turning towards the couch, Matt extended the sweatshirt in his hand towards Foggy. “Here,” he said, “for you.”
Foggy took it from Matt’s hand and was quiet for a second before letting out a small “thank you.” Matt leaned forward for another light kiss, then folded up his cane and made himself comfortable on the couch.
The next half hour was slow and easy. Foggy was tucked into Matt’s side wrapped in his sweatshirt, and the heavy weight of the pizza in Matt’s stomach combined with the quiet dialogue of the Star Trek episode on Foggy’s TV made him feel lethargic and content.
“You are male,” said one of the aliens on the screen. “Tell me about males. What is it that makes you different from females?”
Foggy hummed contentedly from below Matt’s chin. They’d rewatched this show so many times that Matt practically had all of Foggy’s narrations memorized, so Matt had just told him to take it easy tonight and not worry about narrating. Matt chewed on his lip and let himself get lost in thought. A couple of months prior, Foggy had managed to convince Matt to go to Pride, after weeks of hounding and bargaining and pleading. They had gone early in the morning, when there were sure to be thinner crowds and at least slightly less noise. Foggy had been shirtless, proudly showing off his top surgery scars, and Matt had a single rubber bracelet around his wrist in pink, purple, and blue.
They had met so many people there from every corner of the community, and Matt had left with a small collection of every braille pamphlet he came across, just to show the people who had bothered to print them that it was worth it. Among the pamphlets on intersectionality and drag history and lesbian art, there was one that Matt found himself rereading for weeks: Beyond Ones and Zeros: Decoding the Myth of the Gender Binary. It was overly verbose and used objectively too many coding puns, but Matt couldn’t stop thinking about it. He’d always known to some extent that he had trouble connecting with other men most of the time. He found that he just… didn’t quite understand how they operated. Sure, he’d never been particularly interested in sports or cars, but he also didn’t understand what put him in the category of “man”, beyond his chromosomes and whatnot.
Meeting Foggy had been what clued him in to that disconnect, but that pamphlet had been what really sent him spiraling. It talked about the origins of the modern day gender binary, its fallacies and double standards, the existence of life outside of just “man” or “woman”, and Matt felt himself relax a little bit into its words. Matt felt Foggy’s weight next to him on the couch, and heard the crew of the Enterprise discuss the genderless society they were working with, and made a decision.
“Hey, Foggy?” he said, squeezing Foggy’s arm a little bit to get his attention. Foggy made a quizzical little noise and Matt took a deep breath. “What would you think about using they/them pronouns for me, just sometimes?”
There was silence for a moment before Foggy shifted to look at Matt, and the sound of lips sliding against his teeth said that he was smiling brightly. “I’d love to, Matty. Thank you for telling me.”
Matt shrugged. “I haven’t really told you anything,” they deflected. “Just trying something out.” Their heart was pounding in their chest, and they knew that they were blushing, but they couldn’t quite find it in themself to be embarrassed.
“Well,” Foggy countered, “thank you for ‘trying it out’, then. I’m proud of you.”
Matt smiled, warmth filling their whole body, and they leaned in for a kiss. Foggy met them with a smile, cradling Matt’s head in his hands and humming into their mouth. If this was what it took to make Foggy feel better, then Matt was willing to do it every damn time they came over.
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wilwheaton · 5 years ago
These Four Companies Claim to Support BLM. They Support White Nationalist Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Program.
This is from today’s Popular Info newsletter:
Last week, Carlson advised viewers that they are not "required to be upset" about George Floyd's murder by a Minneapolis police officer, especially if they have "never even been to Minneapolis."
Last month, as the protests began, he described them as an "ancient battle between those who have a stake in society and would like to preserve it and those who don’t and seek to destroy it." Carlson later described the conflict as between "thugs" and "normal people."
None of this is out of character for Carlson. He has a long history of using white nationalist rhetoric. Last August, Carlson said the idea that white supremacy is a problem in America is a "hoax" and a "conspiracy theory." In 2018, Carlson said that immigrants were making America "poorer, and dirtier, and more divided."  In 2017, Carlson described Obama as "vulgar" because he "vacationed with rappers." The same year, he promoted Gab, a social media site that caters to white nationalists. In 2015, Carlson attacked Stephen Colbert for wearing a "Black Lives Matter" wristband, saying it meant Colbert believed "you divide people on the basis of their skin color and say, ‘This one group of people’s lives matter.’"
Tucker Carlson is a despicable racist and bigot. These four companies claim to support Black Lives Matter (and have made a HUGE deal about their alleged support), yet they continue to sponsor this reprehensible racist’s show:
* Papa John’s Pizza (of course)
* Disney (unsurprising, but still disgusting) SEE UPDATE!
* Vari (office furniture company I didn’t know existed before today)
* Johnson & Jonhson (all lives matter, or something)
Papa John’s is a lost cause. That guy is the patron saint of shitty right-wing pieces of shit, an unrepentant right-wing Trumpist. Fuck that guy and his garbage “food” forever. 
Disney is likely to respond to sustained and overwhelming public outcry, and getting Disney to drop its support for a white nationalist would go a long way toward pressuring other sponsors to drop their support.
Vari and Johnson & Johnson are easy for me to boycott. Maybe they are for you, too?
If you care about this sort of thing, you can vote with your wallet. You deserve better than that Papa John’s garbage. Get your pizza delivered from a local place. Finding alternatives to Johnson & Johnson should be pretty easy in any drugstore. Disney is really tough, because let’s be honest: theme parks are great, and Disney+ is pretty awesome. But I will write letters, and so should you. Vari doesn’t exist in my life so I’m just going to go ahead and put that company on generic blast for supporting a racist bigot. If you handle purchasing for your company, maybe you can encourage your bosses to buy office furniture from some other company.
But all of us can write letters, tag on social media, and let the people who make the decisions at these companies know that we are watching, and we will not support them as long as they continue to sponsor a white nationalist.
HOLY SHIT YALL while I was writing this, Disney pulled their support!! One down, three to do. We can do this!
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nctsiren · 4 years ago
hyonny best couple i don’t make the rules i just enforce them
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(yes i know this is a shit edit but this was requested and im excited so THIS IS FOR YOU ANON ILY)
PLEASE lmk what you think!! if u ever have any questions about them (or any of the ocs or reqs) i encourage you to send me asks! thank u loves, enjoy!!❣️
TAGLIST (hmu to join! applies to all of my ocs): @moonbeamsung @aqueenieme @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook​ 
hyeyoung met johnny in 2017, a bit after he debuted in 127
he came around the training center, since he had trained for so long and had friends there
he also liked to meet new trainees! he’s a super kind guy, he wants to try to be support for them, since he trained for So Long
when he first saw her he thought she was gorgeous
and vice versa, yknow. she was shy because he was a Debuted Idol AND a Handsome Man
yeah they both found each other attractive and that was. about it yknow? for a while
THEN in 2019, rumor was that hyeyoung would join an nct female unit
she was already friends with mila and lily, having trained with mila, and lily was friendly with trainees
but she started talking to the guys more, meeting them properly and getting used to them
and johnny was so .. you know how he is
she fell really quick tbh
lily noticed this QUICKLY and did what she could to make them interact and she THOUGHT she is what got them together
but johnny was texting her on the low .. he loved her the minute he had his first conversation (in person) with her
johnny is a Romantic™️ and we all know it
so this man COURTED her like a damn maiden
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: *arrive at the siren dorms and open the door*
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: ...
evie: hyeyoung who sent you twenty vases of roses
no that IS NOT A JOKE
literally an old movie romance, complete with the yearning and such
he always texted her good morning and good night
sent her coffee or tea on the low while she was training
“hello beautiful”
hyeyoung was lovestruck. she felt able to actually talk to him after a bit, and it was so easy for her to trust and feel close to him
she got shy when he did big gestures or sweet things- but it was making her fall HARD
and johnny? well he wasn’t MUCH better just more composed outwardly
our smooth, flirty bastard john ..
would absolutely GUSH about her to the members. smiling like an IDIOT at his phone
once lily said she couldn’t hang out because hye wasn’t feeling good and johnny’s heart DROPPED he didn’t know what to do
come to think of it he hasn’t gotten a text from her in a while :((
didnt she say she hadn’t had pizza lately?
and that’s how johnny ended up at the trainee girls’ dorm at 11pm with a pizza. and the dark chocolate she liked.
he watched a movie in hyeyoung’s room with her ALONE and she leaned into his side so
tbh it wasn’t a bad night
hyeyoung was fr wondering if this would be anything
she was thinking about her career, yeah, but her heart YEARNED for him. she was falling in love with everything about him
she didn’t need the grand gestures, she just needed him
and, it probably goes without saying, but so did johnny
he stopped by her practice room with evie and gem one day
he had just finished his own practice and called hye closer to the door of the practice room she was in with the girls
cue lily practically shaking with excitement
“i don’t think this will seem out of the blue... do you wanna get dinner, sometime? as an actual date this time”
the smile she gave him nearly made poor john’s heart stop
“i thought you’d never ask” she responded, stepping on her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek
CHEESY SMILE until jaehyun pulls him away
“howd it go, romeo?”
then they heard the girls squealing audibly and talking at the speed of light
“oh no big deal. just the most beautiful amazing woman on the planet likes me back”
the first date was literally later that night, in hyeyoung’s room, with takeout and the nicest red wine johnny could find
tbh he couldn’t wait and she was free that night
“keep the door unlocked!” - evie
the two just talked and laughed and the movie on the background was ignored
hyeyoung was used to feeling shy with people, but she was so comfortable early on. it felt right
and yeah the night DID end with them making out
with the door locked, screw you evie (johnny’s words, not hyeyoung’s)
they fell into being a couple very easily
they told the company a few months in to make life easier and surprisingly .. they were pretty okay with it, though they obviously had guidelines
they couldn’t be seen alone in public (sometimes they break that rule with masks and hats and disguises since the managers will let them sometimes)
a lot of their dates are in the siren dorms because it’s quieter and all of the girls have their own rooms
she comes around to the 127 dorms a lot
they couldn’t interact more than she would interact with the others, and absolutely no pda
((tbh with mila and lily, it’s more acceptable, since they grew up with their members, but the other three have stricter rules .. evie almost breaks them sometimes tho. and sometimes the guys will give casual, familial hugs to them))
they said they loved each other a few months in
johnny said it first, and hyeyoung said it back immediately
it was natural. they fully and truly love each other
they will 1000% percent get married, and they will do so whenever they can in the future
they want to keep their relationship quiet just because hyeyoung’s career has JUST started
but johnny wants to reveal it as soon as the company lets them because he wants the world to know he loves her with all of his heart
johnny’s parents have only met her over facetime, and they already love her. she talks to johnny’s mom a lot too
he has met her parents and siblings, and obviously they love him 
her dad is protective though since she’s his youngest daughter and his baby
johnny is still big on keeping the romance alive and planning things for her, always telling her how much he loves her, and showing physical affection
hyeyoung is a softer type of girlfriend, and she is big on quality time and expressing to him how much she loves him. 
they will never, ever doubt how much they love each other. forever type shit
johnny and hyeyoung ARE mom and dad
especially to hyuck. hyeyoung LOVES him and thinks he can literally do no harm, similar to how she is with lily
mark used to have a crush on hyeyoung hehe but i think we ALL know he’s interested in someone else now ..
taeyong, yuta, lily, hyuck, jaemin, evie, ten, jungwoo, taeil, chenle, hendery, and yangyang are their biggest shippers. they believe in hyonny supremacy
jaehyun is OBVIOUSLY happy for his bro but he’s a chill, cool dude y’know ..
he’s johnny’s go-to though and he and hyeyoung have a very sweet friendship, jaehyun always looks out for her and makes sure she’s okay
johnny will be chill about the eventual rumors about hyeyoung and jaehyun tho because he knows there’s nothing there, and as far as he is concerned, that means that their relationship is safer without any lights on them
they aren’t jealous people (AHEM take note lily AHEM)
the two of them will still flirt with fans, and they rate each other’s flirty comments to fans
“nah, baby, that’s basic. be smoother”
“john, they literally just asked me to tell them i love them”
yeah they’re teased tho and you KNOW they are
ten is CRAZY dude he was already big on the innuendos but now .. goodness
he doesn’t step out of line tho and he’s more subtle and would never do anything to harass them (well mainly not hyeyoung because flashbacks to “i wanna have xxxx with you fatass! love you forever darling” johnten always wilding)
y’know that clip from stranger thing when that dude asks jonathan how the pull out was... “the couch”. yeah. stuff like that from ten
hyuck doesn’t tease them much surprisingly! because again. mom and dad
i can sum up mark in a single sentence:
“you guys are, like, perfect for each other, y’know? i’m happy for you guys, seriously.”
yuta teases sometimes, but chenji is RUTHLESS
if hyonny even looks at each other they’re like OOOOO HEHE GET A ROOM
most of wayv is .. well .. we know how wayv is
taeyong is so warm to them about it all and it’s super sweet. taeil loves them together and is unintentionally funny saying things about young people and love
the girls are PROTECTIVE of hyeyoung even tho they know johnny is perfect for her
lily is in a permanent state of trying to square up with johnny and hyeyoung thinks it’s funny
they have great reception overall, everyone loves them
sm family loves them TOO and heechul is the REAL captain of their fan club and red velvet as a whole loves them together 
do you know how many times they hear “awwwh cute!” 
spoiler: it’s a lot
GOD the two try to help lily with her love life and she hates it
they’ll end up trying to help everyone but lily is their focus
they have lots of couple-isms
“baby” “love” “honey” stuff like that
they have inside jokes
fashionable ass couple
he watches old films with her 
they’re the type of couple to slow dance in the middle of the kitchen
they both know like. they know what the other would order from where, what to do for them after a long/hard day
she knows how to make his coffee perfectly
johnny knows what temperature she likes her baths/showers and what wine she’ll enjoy most
hyeyoung knows where johnny’s back is most tense and his slight change in posture when he needs a massage
they know each other’s style, and they surprise each other with little gifts
they basically know each other like the back of their hand. two halves of the same whole
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ryllhaven · 3 years ago
Introducing Myself
I mean, how rude would it be to not properly introduce myself...
"What race are you?"
" What's your sign?"
"Aren't you too young to be writing a blog?"
              Nobody really asks me these. I honestly just figured it would make me seem as interesting as I could be. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite a unique individual, I mean, aren't we all? You've got your fair share of amazing qualities and so do I.
           Since the ownership of this blog is under my name, I thought maybe I could let you in on a small conversation about me and my very own life! Well, though my existence is not as much of a thrill than that of others, I'd say I'm good at story-telling and exaggeration which will very likely contribute to a more entertaining read for you guys! But enough about that, let's get to the real deal...
Hi! Hello! The name is Karyll. I don't really know why most people either misspell my name and add an "e" at the end or either say it wrong, but all is good when it does happen (
and it sure does happen a lot).
I'm a nineteen year old taking the nursing course at Holy Name University here in the Philippines, Bohol to be specific. Not to brag or anything but being nineteen and looking like I'm three years younger is such a flex. Looking young can be quite the hassle for many, no offense ;), and for some, getting to look young would mean for a lot of regimens and procedures which requires
a lot of good ol' money.
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Moving forward,
I'd like to add that I'm a Taurus, considering that I was born on the 10th of May. They say
tend to be honest and trustworthy and they're damn right about that one! I value the essence of being honest because I know what it feels to be lied to, and you can completely trust me with secrets because it's either I'll never tell anyone or I'll forget you told me about it in 10 minutes. I typically am not one for horoscopes, which doesn't line up to the fact that I believe in Tarot Card Readings, but all these may be just my way of grabbing on to strings of hope for a brighter future.
Now that I've got that over with, I'm going to list down a number of facts you'd maybe like to catch on about me!
Will likely become the typical "Crazy Cat Lady"
Pure Filipino, I'm definitely not mixed.
Musically inclined and in fact has quite the passion for singing and playing musical instruments such as the guitar, ukulele, and beatbox.
Dances but I cannot say I'm well at it hihi
Extremely, and by extremely I mean very, clumsy.
Would dip her fries in her icecream
Believes in "no pineapples on pizza" supremacy.
A sucker for the olive green color!
             I don't want to get you too caught in my life do I. But, if you do want to get to know me better or if you've got a hand full of questions up your sleeve, then feel free to contact me through my social media accounts or leave it as a comment here!
I'll be more than happy to answer all of them <3
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the-velveteen-victorian · 4 years ago
Elle can you explain what goth is? Google is really inconsistent and I’m having such a difficult time understanding it. When did you find out you were goth?
Definitely! This is a long response just so you are prepared. =) Goth is a music-based subculture. You are correct… Google is not a good resource for discovering what goth is. Unfortunately, a lot of “goth” guide books aren’t either (I know one of them features a lot of emo bands?). First off, let’s just get out of the way what goth is not. Goth is not emo or metal. Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance, and Pantera are not goth. Goth is not white supremacy. Yes, those of us with naturally pale skin sometimes strive to keep our skin tones light, but goth is a home to people of all skin/hair/eye colors. Anyone who says you can only be a pale, white person is disgusting. Goth is not associated with any religion, philosophy, political inclination, or specific belief system. There are Christian, Hindu, Atheist, New Age, Shinto, Muslim, Republican, Democrat, Green Party, pineapple on pizza, no pineapple on pizza goths. You get my point. =)
Wearing goth fashion does not make someone goth, no matter how great the outfit may be. I (and most goths, elder and younger) define goth as someone who has an intense interest and passion for goth music. That’s it. Sure, most of us will gravitate toward darker aesthetics and like to wear the fashion when we can, but it is absolutely NOT a requirement. That is what google gets so wrong. One of the goth ladies I know spends 80% of her time in scrubs. She loves her job as a nurse practitioner and she has to have a more conservative look while she is working. She can’t wear the fashion more often than a couple times a month. She listens to goth music every day and is super knowledgeable about it. Is she goth? Yes. Conversely, I know a lot of teenagers who are trying to figure out who they are (which is TOTALLY FINE). They actually do a really great job of diy-ing goth looks, but they do not listen to goth music at all. Most of them listen to metal, emo, or country music. Do I consider them goth? No. But I do not judge them for it. Music is about what speaks to you and goth is in no way superior to any other musical taste.
With the rise of “pastel goth” and fashion trends on tumblr/social media, I think a lot of people get misled. This is why it is so important to have some level of contact with the actual goth community. Covid showed us that it is possible to do this online! We can attend online goth nights, get the set lists and analyze goth club music trends from our homes, and have zoom dance sessions! I really love the flexibility and versatility that the pandemic revealed to the goth community… because a lot of goths don’t live in cities with a big goth scene.
How did I discover I was goth? By beautiful accident. =) I was 15, and I struggled to have any level of autonomy or self-expression at all. I grew up in a conservative family (Christian/religious) cult. That rabbit hole runs deep and is a separate story for another time. The point is that I had very limited contact with the outside world apart from my private school, church, and Christian-group violin lessons. However! I received a nano ipod from an extended family member for Christmas one year. I copied a bunch of CD’s from Christian acquaintances at my church and filled the ipod up with the generic contemporary Christian and overstimulating broadway musicals endemic to the culture around me… it was all I had. Then, one day I discovered a goth band. I had no idea they were a goth band. I was obsessed with their sound. I can’t remember which platform I found them on, but I remember I did not have a video with it… so I’m thinking I was on the itunes store. I had chills and for the first time every something felt “right” in the music world for me.
Goth music begets more goth music… Itunes recommended other bands like the one I had found. I only had the money to buy a few albums over the course of a year, but I would retitle the songs and albums as Christian or Disney compilations so that my parents would never suspect what I was listening to (they regularly went through my ipod to make sure I wasn’t listening to anything worldly). One day, I was listening to some of my goth music with another confirmed atheist at my private Christian school and he was like, “OMG I had no idea you were a goth!” I was super confused and was all like, “No, I’m not. I don’t even know what that is…” This guy was a metalhead, but he had a ton of goth friends and he gave me my first thorough education on everything goth. I was 15 at the time, and it was not until nearly 4 years later that I would escape my family and truly come to integrate in the goth community.
Long story short, I started out with the music with no clue about the fashion. I think I was very fortunate in that because it gave me time to develop my musical preferences and tastes without feeling pressured to fit into a tiny little box. Later, when I was free, I did develop a goth wardrobe and (of course) decorated my house in a dark romantic/Victorian style…. But I never felt like those things were vital to who I was as a goth. I’m really thankful for that.
Please understand, that I do not want to erase the incredible goth fashion magicians out there or diminish the hard work someone may put into their personal look or aesthetic. The goth aesthetic is the heartbeat behind the unparalleled, transcendent feeling I have in a goth club or just in my own bedroom. It definitely adds to the experience. All I am saying is that those things alone do not a goth make. I also grew up obsessed with (gothic) Victorian literature... it took me awhile to put 2 and 2 together for that one too lol.
My controversial opinion here is that I do believe that some level of gatekeeping is necessary to keeping goth alive today. Unfortunately, it is an endangered species as subcultures go… this is not because there are not any goths. It is because the mainstream has appropriated it and defined it as fashion ONLY, which then confuses people who go to the surface level of the internet to get answers… which then creates a whole following that erases what goth truly is.
However, I need to explain that when most people refer to gatekeeping, they are talking about bullying. I am defining gatekeeping as providing a definition for the heart of the goth movement and sticking to it. Bullying is never acceptable. Ever. The example I employ a lot utilizes musical genre as an example. Let’s say you put on a Carnifex t-shirt and wear it a lot. But…. You don’t listen to metal because it just is not your sound. You don’t talk to other people about metal music, seek out the aesthetic, have more than 2 songs on your phone with metal music, or (want) to attend metal events. Are you a metalhead? No, of course not. But are you inferior to metalheads because you choose to listen to classical and hip-hop music? No, of course not. Another example: Let’s say you don’t like coffee. You don’t regularly drink it, read about it, or have an interest in it. Are you a coffee enthusiast? No, of course not. Are you inferior to those who do drink coffee? No, of course not. But it would be ridiculous to feel pressured to fit the mold of a coffee enthusiast, right?
It is never wrong to define what something is and to stick to your guns on it as long as you do not cross over into elitist territory, thinking you are better than everyone else. That is the point I want to get across here. Goth fashion does own my heart, but I also sometimes dress in dark academia, cottagecore, dark mori, and even in 80’s retrofuturistic styles when the mood strikes me. It does not change my involvement in the goth community or erase my love for goth music.
Lastly, a question I get a lot (and I have addressed this in previous posts) is, “I am obsessed with goth music… I have a wide knowledge base that I have spent great amounts of time developing and it is my life… but I also like Lil Peep, Lady Gaga, ‘gothic’ metal, and Lana Del Rey. Am I still goth?” The answer is YES. Of course you are! Loving goth music and being obsessed doesn’t mean you can’t like other things. Anyone in the goth community who tells you have to ONLY listen to goth music is full of crap. Eighty percent of my ipod is goth music… I am lucky to have thousands of songs. (And by the way, if you cannot afford a lot of goth music, you are not less goth than the rest of us. Listening for free is just as valid.) The other twenty percent is classical and synthwave/cybersynth/retrowave/darkly inclined/spacewave/video game sountrack/cyberpunk-inspired stuff. Am I any less of a goth for also being obsessed with the retrowave community or for listening to bands that are darkly inclined but not quite goth? No, of course not. Also, you can be darkly inclined without being goth, and that is just as beautiful. =) My husband is darkly inclined and likes some goth music, but he is more involved in the horror community. He is no less valid and freaking awesome than I am.
I hope this makes sense! This is a subject I feel passionate about. Just to recap, the pillars of fashion, gothic literature, and general aesthetics are valid in the goth scene and contribute greatly to the structural integrity of the whole. However, the soul of goth is in the music. I have hearing loss myself and have a couple of friends who are completely deaf who also agree that the music is the soul of goth. The way they engage is by reading the lyrics and even going to goth clubs when they can to dance and feel the beat. =) I think that is beautiful and so amazing. Hearing disabilities do not disqualify you from the goth scene- anyone who says they do is garbage.  
Here are a couple of videos explaining a bit about what goth music actually is. Let me know if you would like more resources! Angela Benedict did a video where she answered the question, “Can you be goth and not like the music?” Her answer is also no. She is a great youtuber to watch because she was there for the 90’s goth scene! It is so fun to hear her stories and learn about the elder goth generations. <3
Goth music is not just goth rock… there are SOOOOO many subgenres under the massive umbrella that is goth. It is a big universe to explore. =) If you would like a list of some of my favorite goth bands AND goth adjacent bands, then I can do a separate post for that- just ask! Thank you for tolerating my info-dumping. =) <3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKDo_j0O-hA&t=116s – Accumortis on goth music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGj3CuAeW1w – Angela Benedict on goth music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg3HwuFlGeU&t=587s – Angela Benedict on defining goth
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years ago
6th Comedy Monologue
“So folks, that whole Brexit rubbish is finally over isn’t it?”
“I know, some of us could see it coming and Teresa May looks like the spitting image
of the stepmother from Cinderella
how come nobody has noticed that yet?
we all have politicians we don’t like don’t we?
at times like this, I have to remind myself Teresa May is a very well liked woman
but then I remember back in the day Margaret Thatcher was also a very well liked woman
don’t you think she and Teresa may are quite similar?
well this is how she’d treat a political problem
*attempts impersonation*
“what’s that? ok men I did you to do this and then this and then this and this”
whereas Teresa may would handle the situation like…
*attempts impersonation*
what’s this? oh leave it for a few months
but the main thing is they both hate poor people so who cares what they think
I actually sort of understand why people like Jeremy Corbyn but I had written that previous gag back in late June of last year, speaking of outdated gags
Pirates were the communists and socialists of the 17th century
they wanted money, disagreed with colonialism and didn’t care what the government thought of them
like with communists they were accepting and inclusive but they wanted gold
the pirates accepted many on their ship they allowed homosexuality, they allowed women in strong roles  there were great times had on the high seas
even with the loot, they got they’d share it evenly what other power was involved with being inclusive with most things except money Oh Yeah! the communists
Yes, Yes we’ll handle it we’ll accept you but give us all your money
communism is a good concept but in the end, people get greedy for the money
like with pirates
we’ll accept you matey but give us some gold
however they didn’t agree about the government, they had their own independent pirate crews and disagreed with colonialism and capitalism
kind of like some of us, I think
we criticize politics, we like to party and we accept most people except colonialists …and capitalists...
Oh well, at least there’s been good music with Marina and the diamonds, Ariana Grande and the 1975
We, humans, love music
which makes me think about bands related to Homosapians
in the 60s we had the Monkees good band good name
and now we have Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, Rang a Tang and Apes
what about the lesser known homosapian types
Chimpanzees and Baboons
if music existed in Planet of the Apes
the Kate Bush hit Babooshka would be about a
monkey looking for love after getting his heart broken seeing his wife cheat on him with an older mandrill
only to fall in love again with who he’d call his baboonska
Animals are interesting creatures whether they are made of glass, made of 1960s haircuts or made of the first songs of a math rock band
Another good thing about music and animals is that Roger Taylor is going to help us save the bees
Thinking bee! Thinking queen! thinking bee! Thinking queen!
Speaking of which there’s been a whole glam rock/synthpop revival going on
And I love that
although as a kid I watched media from all sorts of different decades
While they watched Jersey Shore and Love Island I was watching Disney and CBBC sitcoms mixed with Japanese cartoons and shows from years before like Jem and the holograms, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the original my little pony series.
I would also watch funnybones, the original noody series from a VHS I “borrowed” from my neighbours, as well as the Muppet show and some classic cinema.
I think it’s amazing that this revival is happening it’s like the 60s,70s,80s,90s and early 2000s are all going on at the same time.
Revolutionary anarchic protests, Androgynous rockers, Neon colours, post-punk indie shows, peculiar fashion trends and reality shows as well as the cybernetic future beyond
But I’m also cold and angry about how this is happening because on the other hand, there are things carried over from previous decades that shouldn’t still be around...fascists in positions of power, nonces in the entertainment industry, Threat of a nuclear war, low economy, Jamie Oliver, Piers Morgan, Death, Pollution,Misogyny,Misandry,Sexism,Racism and White Supremacy
I could list more, but I can’t think at the moment I’m focusing on my work while morons on Twitter and Tumblr are yabbering on about vegan sausage rolls.
I’ve never tried Greggs before but I’m sure the vegans and vegetarians are happy that a mainstream chain like Greggs has made a product catered specifically for them, whereas before if you asked for a “vegan option” at a restaurant the waiter would scratch their neck.
However not all restaurants are like this,having to work overtime dealing with angry parents,screaming children and the odd nazi at Mcdonalds is not an easy task,yet so many waiters and workers across the world are able to somehow keep those businesses afloat,you guys, girls and comrades don’t get enough credit,you should be paid more,no wonder so many mainstream restaurants are having strikes or running out of food and people are either going to more independently funded places or ordering online to get their daily dose of fast fried convenience.
and while I would be interested in trying a vegetarian diet,It would be hard for me to give up eating chicken that quickly but I don’t really eat meat that often,and before you say anything as long as cannibals don’t use their choice of food in a dangerous way they’re ok with me, it’s no different to when our prehistoric ancestors had to hunt to find food in order to survive,some people still have to do that,it’s sad...it really is,while Christianity isn’t something I believe in anymore, it did say in the bible that Jesus shared his bread and food with his people,and I think some of us should start doing that,and if you already do whether it’s a snack you have or leaving out leftover food from your side takeaway business, that’s brilliant your making more people happy and your allowing more people to enjoy food and to have access to that basic human necessity that we all should be able to have to access to.
Sharing is another primary school lesson it feels like half of humanity has forgotten about outside of basic decency and kindness, but I’m probably not the one to talk about that since I was called “Rude” for most of my life.
there’s a big difference between telling someone they’re a plonker and making someone more aware of how they can improve themselves as a person.
Most of us all have flaws, most of us have had toxic moments,
we’ve all at times had moments where we’ve said something wrong that we didn’t mean,
or times where our cowardliness has accidentally caused misunderstandings and drama
or times where we didn’t intend to sound hurtful but that’s how it came across, or times where we’ve blindly followed toxic people, imitating their actions without meaning to or just generally times where we’ve been ignorant little eijjits.
Even people some would say were flawless had flaws or problematic aspects about them
David Bowie wasn’t too nice to his wife Angie in later years, Graham Lineman and Robert Webb are transphobic, Rowan Atkinson supports Boris Johnson’s “so-called” jokes and Ricky Gervais doesn’t like hearing people with different opinions than him.
Overthinking however can exaggerate this, overthinking can take that one time you were a bit rude as a child and that problematic “fandom” phase you had as a preteen and make you feel like your worst person in the world.
Your not, but most of us have had moments,there’s also the “not like other girls/boys phase” sometimes it’s just a light-hearted comparison drawing or blog post taken out of context other times it’s the grown-up equivalent of saying “I like this thing over your other thing that means I’m better than you”
Considering my at times cold thoughts it’s weird that I’m the person of all people telling you this
It’s perfectly ok to be prideful and narcissistic just don’t be so arrogant that you forget about your morals and the people that you're close to, but if at times because of mental health you question your levels of empathy, sympathy and compassion that’s ok too, your voices deserve to be heard, and there is help available you can find it through helplines, organizations or even your own comrades.
Outside of all the twits in this horrid fishbowl of a world, there are also millions of very kind nice people, I don’t know where I’d be now without my comrades
The offline pals who are like my sunshine because they brighten up my day,the old secondary school friends that made me feel less alone,the online people who I can vent to, converse with and joke with,the bloggers from years ago that I still sometimes keep in touch with and the creators who through their work in Media, Theatre and the Arts were able to encourage me to keep going, keep working, keep creating.
I think your all lovely and beautiful and creative human beings, no matter what identity you are, what music genre you listen to or what topping you prefer on your pizza
I will most likely adore you and if I haven’t it’s probably because I haven’t met you yet
You are one biscuit of cells, on this fishbowl planet, your mind is a land of wonder and your body is the garden surrounding it, take care of yourself like how you take care of your garden, your pets or the fictional characters you write about.
Your future might not be the future you expect, but it’s one you’ll enjoy.
if you are doing something you love which harms nobody, be as happy and passionate about it as you like
you are a person who deserves the world
Don’t push yourself too hard, if you know you’re doing a good job keep at it, don’t stress yourself too hard, but remember not to procrastinate, your mental health is important, some people might not understand all of the issues you’re going through, but you can make it out alive.
You're, not a number or statistic you're a person, your a beautiful, Kind, incredible, wise person
spread some love and don’t forget what the late Freddie Mercury said,
Keep yourself Alive!
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musikat18 · 3 years ago
Welcome to the episode 3 thread!!! now with mini muffin pizzas
i was promised constantine content in this episode and i'm v excited i've loved all i've seen so far from jenna colman in promo i just don't want her to be TOO competent in the modern day
OH NO DO NOT MAKE ME WATCH THE DEATH OF ASTRA LOGUE AGAIN IN REAL TIME *screaming crying sobbing on the floor*
ooooo a dutch angle i love a dutch angle
oh god a flashback ok
tbh i don't wanna compare jenna to matt but i LOVED matt ryan in the NBC series especially and i love that i can see the same energy here i'm so pleased
asdlkjfbalskjdfbalksjdbf i love this i love this i feel like i'm watching the nbc series again
*while chewing* i should not have been eating for this oh well
anyway back to girboss family drama
netflix taking out the fucking in the subtitles my detested
hettie supremacy
patton oswalt and dream of the endless is not the buddy comedy i asked for but it's the buddy comedy i'm here for
tbh cutting out the justice league stuff from the john dee segment probably makes the story more coherent overall but it DOES lose that Comics Are Weird energy you know?????
i still cannot get around the fact that dream morpheus endless darkness dementia raven way sounds exactly the same as that guy from the windsors
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it's morpheus doing the "damn bitch you live like this" in the most british way possible for me
absolutely love this performance everyone who got mad about jenna colman as constantine owes me $300
"whatever they're doing up there they're not thinking about you" the sandman is a comedy
*sobbing* this is a great show
tbh with this level of security i'd believe it's still arkham
"but he is not my--" shut up that is your best friend now
"fuck it-- let's go to hell" that's my new motto
Ok fine i’ll watch Sandman Netflix
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alekmb · 8 years ago
The Silver Lining of Charlottesville
With the current political climate and my own left ideology it was a bit challenging to write the title above, but I am sure you are interested to hear me out. Hopefully you are a little concerned maybe even angry at the above title, but let me explain myself. For a very long time I have had a hard time understanding why so many people consider themselves “conservative.” I’ve understood that the Republican base was made of mostly Christians, white people, and the rich. I know the conservative electorate is way more diverse and complicated than the previous sentence, but it’s hard to argue that the GOP does not rely on those voting groups to elect them time and time again. I understand that there are many white Christians living in America and most of them are fine people. They have their key issues like abortion and gay marriage that Republican leaders try to push on such agendas leading the country to a more Christian ideal. I can understand that this mass group of traditional Evangelical Christians is large enough for a party to have a base, but it shouldn’t have as strong as a base to win elections. Not anymore. As for the rich voting Republican, they are mostly “single-issue” votes which is taxes. I should note though that plenty of Americans that are exploited through a capitalist economic system, defend said system, in the name of freedom. Freedom from the big, bad government, our democracy. Unfair wages, outsourcing of jobs and policies that benefit the rich is just normal life as it should be.
 I know people don’t feel the same way about Republicans as I do, but I have a feeling more and more will see it my way. I’ve always thought of the Republican base as being mostly white-Evangelical and racist people. Not everyone in the GOP base is a flat-out racist, but you might want to pay attention to how every conservative analyzes Charlottesville and who defends Trump. You might realize that although these people were not there at Charlottesville, they do support racist culture even if it is just to “preserve” our history that we claim we “want to learn from.” I for one don’t believe that so many American’s become instant history buffs when it comes to removing Confederate monuments. They are racist buffs. I feel very comfortable saying all of this. Not all conservatives supported Trump and his comments on Charlottesville, but it is alarming how many of them are failing the very easy test of denouncing Neo-Nazis and White Supremacist. It’s an easy test for us on the left, but you really need to give it some thought on why it’s not so easy for them. I feel that many who call themselves “economic conservatives” or “progressive conservatives” or any sect of the ideology that they are more definitively associated to, are a little queasier about being labeled a conservative. Many of these conservatives can sit by and maybe even work along with people who voted for Trump for change, health care or our economy, but to bring back white nationalism? Who wants to be with those assholes?!!
  Well apparently Trump. Donald J. Trump has failed the very easy to ace test of denouncing Neo-Nazis IN A CLEAR AND PROFOUND WAY AND QUICKLY!!! It’s not just him though. Many in his own administration are sympathetic to white nationalist. Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist is one of them. I don’t think we should be too surprised that his administration failed this test, let alone if they received a C-. I am actually watching Fox News these days to see who else will pass or fail this simple test. Many on Fox news are passing it with ease from a teary-eyed Gianno Caldwell to the almost teary eyed and make-up ruining Kat Timpf to Dana Perino and Juan Williams challenging the very dumb Jesse Watters who failed the test. In some ways it gave me hope that not ALL conservatives are hateful racist or even racist sympathizers, but still my racist suspicion of the right has been confirmed when so many on that side seem to not get a lesson most of us learned back in kindergarten.
 My hope going forward is the left to use this moment in history to paint social conservatism as this country’s epidemic or plague that must be eradicated and to never return. I actually get excited that Trump and his administration show their true colors about these black and white issues because it will be so much easier for the left to point back at history and say; “Yes that is what you stood for here’s the quote that proves it.” Trump failing the Charlottesville test is not a good thing for the GOP going forward and all this open and blatant racism I hope will make people feel about the Republican party as I have a had for a long time. Hopefully more and more people will come to the conclusion that right-wing politics is not the right direction this country needs to move in especially when we are becoming more diverse and secular. I don’t know, anyone feel like moving to Nazism?
 As right-wing politics becomes more and more aligned with white supremacist values, this country eventually needs to reject social conservatism much like the people who were the original Nazis have tried to forget their regrettable past. Today I saw a tweet from Tim Heidecker playing as his right-wing secret agent-character Jack Decker say this: “I’m in Berlin, where’s the Hitler statue?” A smart, simple and good joke that illustrates my point, there aren’t any and for good reason. We still have monuments of hate and it’s been far longer than the 1940’s. Any Republican sticking their neck out for Confederate monuments is castigating themselves as the American Nazi. How can the left use this time in history to springboard the U.S. back in the right direction? We got a lot of ground to cover.
The problem is…. There is no leadership on the left to further expose this component in conservative ideology. The component in which whites come first and after that their work is done. I hear no leaders on the left taking advantage of the right’s ugliness. No strong condemning, no shaming, no exposing the cancer of white nationalism that is taking over the White House. Just a recycled Papa John’s slogan and shrugging their shoulders and asking us “Have We Seen the Other Guys?” That’s it? That’s your leadership? That’s how you’re going to paint a dark cloud over the Conservative establishment that could potentially drive future voting generations from these assholes? I know how we on the left feel about the right, but believe it or not it’s not as obvious of a choice for middle-voters, struggling families and for people who have lost all confidence in Washington.
 There’s just this great void on the left and it’s driving me mad. Pelosi and Schumer have got to move over for Senator Corey Booker and others like him. He’s a leader that inspires. Those other two are so Washington I don’t even get excited about them. Left leadership doesn’t need to alienate conservative voters, but it does need to paint an alternative picture of what America can be. They need to put out a message that is so inclusive and positive that in contrast to the evil shit Trump and the party he represents, that any DECENT person would turn to the left. All the tax conservatives and hopefully even some all-moral Christians will have to turn away from the Neo-Nazis and the party they adopted. The only voice on the left is within the media. I have to become inspired or give hope to by the New York Times or the Washington Post as if maybe they will establish their own political parties one day. I doubt that so WHERE THE HELL IS THE LEFT?!!!! The God-Damn sugar-coated Republicans also known as DEMOCRATS!!!
 I understand many of you are shaking your heads at me saying “no Alek, you’re wrong, the world is not black and white, and not all conservatives are racist.” I agree with that, but the left can still make it clear to Americans that the more conservative leaders we elect the more likely this shit will happen. This is not a lesson we should be learning again today. That racial supremacy in any form is a horrible thing let alone when whites do it. The left doesn’t need to yell about how horrible the right is, but be leaders for something. Gain some God-damn charisma!! No more “we’re going to pass some sensible, by-partisan gun-control legislation for all Ameri…..ZZZZzzzzzzz.” How about, and I stole this from Jim Jeffries and his show; “GRAB THOSE GUNS!!!” As a liberal I’m becoming discouraged from this very apparent intensity gap between the left and the right. At lease you now where the right is coming from: hate. The left: leadership with soft stances, shrugs, pc talk and old pizza slogans? My God, I’m this close to personally endorsing Booker and Michael Moore of all people for the 2020 ticket, at least they stand for something. At least then we would have some teeth and conviction. You know…. Leadership.
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